
Monday, June 12, 2023. 17:00 - 18:00

Getting an installation made often involves multiple stages of planning, pitching, concept development, prototyping and fabrication. Most of these steps involve some sort of artefact. While a lot of these artefacts can be physically built or modelled in 3D software, Illustrator (or a drawing tool of your choice) can be a very useful tool too.

In this session, we'll look at ways to:

While I'm partial to Adobe Illustrator, there are many alternatives such as Inkscape, Affinity Designer and Figma. For this kind of work, I find the ability to set rulers and measure different units (pixels, inches, cm, points etc.) extremely useful.

Concepts & Proposals

Installation Workflow and the Role of 2D Mocks

Layouts & Scale

Components & Schematics

Fabrication (Especially Laser Cutting)


(Working File) Outline/Plan